Days 17 to 19

Day 17 - A song you'd duet with someone on Karaoke

The embarrassment factor of Day 17 was quite strong. I haven't participated in Karaoke for about 20 years, and even then, maybe a couple of times at most. Oddly, there was only one song I ever sang on Karaoke as a duet was this one below. Please, before judging me do bear in mind that I never did this even remotely sober.


Enough said about day 16, I think...

Day 18 - A song from the year you were born

A surprisingly tough on this as although 1976 was voted the best year in all time by channel 4 viewers some 3 or 4 years ago, for obvious reasons, the level of music released was not vintage! It was a pretty lean musical year. There were only three major releases I enjoyed; Bob Dylan, Led Zeppelin, or the Eagles.

I went with the Bob Dylan classic, Hurricane. released on the 5th January 1976, so it has sneaked in. It is classic Dylan. A song about a miscarriage of justice where a black boxing contender is sent to prison by an all-white jury on little to no-evidence, 20 years later the conviction was quashed.

Day 19 - A song that makes you think about life

A relatively easy one from the very mighty Pink Floyd, and their commercially most successful album, The Dark side of the Moon. It is called Time and it is no longer an easy listen.

"Hanging on in quiet desperation/ is the English way/ The time is gone/the song is over/thought i'd have something more to say" 
breaks my heart every time!


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