Day Five and Day Six

Day Five - A song that needs to be played loud

Another of my early favourites. I love my music loud. music is meant to be played Loud. If not, Louder...I had plenty to choose from!

Ultimately though, It boiled down to two bands; The clear leaders, Led Zeppelin and the dark horses, Queen. In the end i had to go with Led Zeppelin. A band you could argue that created loud, bombastic music. And when you start looking into the songs of Led Zeppelin my choice wasn't easy either. I went with the obvious. A song I have loved for many, many years.

It is so full of norse mythology that drives the track at such a pace it can only been listened to loudly. Sadly, they have yet to invent a speaker that can go louder to make it fully justified!

Day Six  - A song that makes you want to dance

Very few do, nowadays. They'll make me tap my feet, but dancing is out for me. I cannot dance. I cannot learn to dance. therefore what is the point of dancing. Moving is not dancing, therefore why would you?

Though, many years ago, mainly around student bars and bars in general, there was one song that, with enough beer inside me, would pull me and my friends onto the dance-floor within seconds, it was this one.


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