Day 26 to Day 30

Day 26 - A song that makes you want to fall in love

I'll still die on the hill that says Nick Cave writes the tenderest love songs.

This is still one of the greatest love songs ever written.

Day 27 - A song that breaks your heart

Again, another difficult choice as so many songs do. However, I decided on this one as it does the job exceptionally well. From many past experiences this is almost unlistenable to me and I hadn't heard it for many years before I listened to it for this. I have adored Tori Amos since about 1993 and this comes from her, Boys for Pele album. It became a song that I played a lot as a relationship faltered and sadly came to an end. Two people heading in different directions, both incompatible at the time. I guess we are all young once.

Still quite a sucker punch after all these years.

Day 28 - A song by an artist whose voice you love

It could only be her. I fell in love with her voice when she sang, running up that hill. I have adored her ever since. I am one of the few to have seen her live. It was remarkable how her voice was still so wonderful, and strong. Here's my favourite song.

It also happens to be a fantastic video as well. Enjoy.

Day 29 - A song from your childhood.

This song also happened to be the first single I bought, as well, on vinyl from Brixham Woolworth's. Remember Woolworth's? Marvellous place. They used to be the only place in Brixham that sold music, until Terry R Darts opened a music section upstairs.

I instantly fell in love with the video and the words. It was genius as it is Billy Joel defining huge moments in history from WW2 until the mid-80s

Even now I am not sure that this song has dated at all! It's still incredible.

Day 30 - A song that reminds you of yourself

Difficult really as we have out own self-perceptions. In all fairness I can see myself in so many songs, but I went with this one as I do love silence.

This last song marks the the end of the 30 days of music. It has been great fun,


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