Day 20 to 25

Day 20 A song that has many meanings to you.

I chose this song from the late 1980s. It is multi-layered to my mind. I love the song, but also the video which took me to where it was filmed, Prague in the 90s because I fell in love with the scenery.

Day 21 A song with a name in the title.

Quite a few to pick from here, but I went with one of my favourite songs, Jolene, by Dolly Parton. Except in this case I went with a  cover. Here the song is sung by Miley Cyrus. Before all the inherent daftness she was a wonderful country singer.

Day 22 A song that moves you forward

There can be only one. It is this one. Mighty Zeppelin!

Day 23 - A song that everyone should listen too

So many top pick from that I went a left field with this pick and picked, the Pixies.

A great tune.

Day 24 A song from a band you wish could reform.

Tough one unless you can resurrect the dead. You'd need to pull that off twice to get the Beatles back together, but that would be great! so here's my favourite Beatles track.

The music they could have made!

Day 25 - A song from an artist no longer living

Well, this field keeps getting bigger sadly, but I went with a recent victim, Prince and sign of the times.


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