Why Right angles and straight lines were invented for

Essentially. The person who built the house within which the Theaker family resides had, for some reason, a passion for building in the style of a marxist and staright lines and right angles it would appear, where the bourgeoisie enemy. This has thrown up many physics bending issues. And if you are ever fortunate enough to sit in our dining room and you are looking in the right place, you too will see that our decoration and furniture gives the dinig room an impression it was designed by MC Escher, who has always been one of my favorite Sketch Artists and as a schoolchild who liked sitting alone in the library, I found his work fascinating, whereas nowadays people would probably think MC escher is a Hip Hop star. They would be wrong as he adds strength to the Argument that the Dutch produce the most bonkers people on the planet. They based their economy on a flower, that's how bonkers these people are!

Anyway. As we have now established that this house has been built by a man with an allergy to straightlines we come to the meat of the sandwich. This highlighted an issue which I discovered last night when I closed the stairwell door onto the dining room as the good lady wife had gone to bed and I was listening to the Radio. Now, when I went to go to bed, I found that the closed door, would not infact open up when you depressed the handle, which I know without the use of an instruction manual, is how you operate normal doors. It is a 3 stage process, Door Handle, Open, walk through. I got to stage one and that was it. No Open, No walk through.

I can only describe the absurdity of a grown man actually having to knock on the dining room door to wake up his wife asleep upstairs, to come down and let him into the second floor of the house, so he can go to sleep too.

I have now remedied the door by having a very stern talk to it and attacking it with a screwdriver, also. This proved victorious and we can now close and re-open the downstairs door, which allows us free roam of the house, always beneficial as I mentioned in a previous post today, the toilet is now upstairs in this modern age.


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