music to give birth too...

Now, in Kings mill, I discovered, you have a CD player in the birthing room. For which you can play music during the Labour. This has lead me to consider what would be the most appropriate birthing music. I have narrowed my choices down to two, for the wife to give birth too. At present there is more support for number 1.

Here they are;

Choice number 1

How inspiring would this be for a baby? A lot. It would come out looking for that first Country to liberate!

Choice Number 2

This I think would guarantee a very quick labour!

Feel free to inform me of any you would consider.


Anonymous said…
The Entertainer? It would IRRITATE the baby out of her.
Tony Theaker said…
A bridge to far. It would hate us for a very long time! :-)
Nick B said…
What about "Should I stay or should I go" by The Clash?
Anonymous said…
Salt-n-Pepa - "Push It"

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