The attempt to be arty trying to show the romance of steam

While messing about in trains, we had no boats, okay? I took rather a lot of photgraphs with the old mobile phone, and some were what I call, the arty ones, which to me, who knows nothing about photography means black and white and sepia! I think it is because in the way in which steam trains look better in black and white. So here is a few of the good ones as judged by my good lady wife who has a talent for these tings, please note that they may look good, I have as always cropped out my thumb from a couple, which as attractive as my thumb is, I felt it inappropriate!

How can anybody not find this a thing of sensational beauty. The maximum combination of elegance clothing a machine of immense power. How can we say that the Pendolino is as aesthetically pleasing as this, wee beasty?

And then of course there is the addition of the carriages and we found ourselves in my favourite style of Carriage. The compartment variety and some pictures here;

It would not be complete without a good photo of the luggage rack, would it!

and the obligatory photo of a Train Geek.

and boy, where there some complete train anoraks on this journey. It helps that I can spot them. I am one with the geek.


Rowena said…
You almost out-geek me.
Tony Theaker said…
almost? :-) what is the collective noun for Geeks, an 'anorak' of geeks?

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