Valentines day Cards

My wife and I are an interesting clash of styles in so many ways, one particular way is in the way we use cards to express ourselves. My wife is very arts and Crafty, and that doesn't mean she lives in a laura ashley dress, making Jam for the W.I. while listening to the archers on R4. I on the otherhand think this would be a great lifestyle, sadly I am the wrong gender. I have a more, hmm...I'll buy the card. My wife seems happy as a pig in poo making homemade cards and very nice they are too. This is what has happened for Valentines day as you could imagine. My wife last night, while I had been in bed from 7.30pm, which for all those who know me, meant I didnt feel well, made me a very nice card with hearts and nice things on.

As you can clearly see, a very lovely card and I have no doubts that our daughter will no doubt share my wifes obvious talent and love for all things arts and crafty, which is good as we do have so, so much stuff to do it with, only Joking there Honey. Now the downside to any child is, if you have watched twins, with Danny Devitto and Arnold Schwarzanegger is the one has all the great stuff, the other really just whats all left. This is me. So for my daughter, who no doubt will at somepoint forgive her father yet will inherit his creativity (if my wifes is arts and crafty, mine would be best described as bendy and chaotic) and his love of buying, not making cards, and his unusual taste in this department. Valentines day provides me with a dichotomy in my life, as before I met my wife I don't have great memories of Valentines (Postmen kept suing for back injuries, etc very stressful period that...This is sarcasm), mainly because on valentines day a few years ago I lost someone very dear to me who was snatched by God, too early for my liking, so I never really had anything to celebrate. Until I met my lovely wife, there's the dichotomy, a day in which I am thankful for the greatest love I have known and the taking away of a person I also loved. Life can be a sod at times. So anyway, onwards theaker towards the end of this blog. I had to buy a valentines card for my lovely wife.
Mansfield is a bad place to buy cards, really have you seen there choice in ornaments? (re:last post), the cards were the paper equivalent. They were either all red, black and white in varying styles. I saw one card that didn't have a flippin bear on the front, and that was a sympathy card as I had gone to far across the section I realised. So, because I was too late for Moonpig, which I always intend to use but always forget...much like Grecian 2000. So I say, horrible cards not for Mr Theaker, I can do better than that and lo and behold I find the best card I have seen in nay on 15 years and know at that moment I have found the perfect Valentines card. I look forward to whose Genes win the card battle as this was the one I sent. You now see our clash of styles.

I dare, absolutely anyone, not to have their heart melted by his cute little face, look at it, just look...and hand over...that last rolo.


Anonymous said…
That's just brilliant. Michael was chuckling for ages.

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