My sex appeal, in many ways, is a continually running tap

In that I cannot turn it off, as and when required. This was proved tonight! As I walked Home from my group meeting at 7.30pm I went to go past the bus stop in my home time and a trio of girls where stood there, when one began to approach. I thought to ask the usual kirkby greeting, 'Got a light?' or 'can you get me some beer from the offie?', but no, Obviously she is a woman of exquisite taste and said 'Excuse me, can I have your number, you're well fit!'. Now, what has confused me is this. I didn't know her, so how did she know I ran marathons? I laughed and walked away, my wife laughed too, I think at me. It is a burden, being beautiful, at times.


Anonymous said…
I laughed too!! That's well funny!!!

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