Music for those who have had a beard and drink real ale...

Of which I plead guilty to both, having had a great bushy beard many years ago and am a huge fan of Real Ale. The music, if this is your life, has to be English Folk music! It's great, it's for anoraks, it's English History and is traced back hundreds of years. America is rightly pround of its blues tradition stretching back in history, the Irish also have adistinct folk sound, and so do we!. Yet we english seem ashamed of our folk scene, It isn't trendy and seems the preserve of Weirdos, hippies, guardian readers and real ale drinkers (Arrggghh...Good job I am not weird otherwise I'd tick all 4). Yet we are producing some fine folk musicians, who are bringing English Folk to the masses and making it popular, well, they get some tracks played on BBC radio 2. Here's a couple.

The great thing about Seth Lakeman is that he comes from Gods own County of Devon, Dartmoor in fact and as, any fule no, those born and raised in south Devon turn out with some form of uniqueness. His being a great musician.

You would also enjoy checking out Kate Rusby and the older stuff such as Roy Harper and Maddy Prior and steeleye span, below is their rendition of Gaudete;

Fantastic, isn't! It is a slightly tweaked version of a the late medieval song, Gaudete, published in 1582, within the Piae Cantiones ecclesiasticae et scholasticae veterum episcoporum, a Nordic collection of Latin music sang in churches and schools. Though obviously it is a product of a catholic culture, nobody knows if it was written in a particular country. Now, I had the pleasure about 3 years ago of seeing this band live, and a lot older, at the Mansfield Theatre! And yes, I (and the girl I went with) were at least 40 years younger than anyone else there! But it was brilliant and they not only did Gaudete, but also there most famous song, 'all around my hat'! below;

and as an added bonus an episode of crackerjack from 1975! I do have to say, apart from the ridicule I took at work for weeks, when I said that I was going to see steeleye Span as a man in his 20's, Maddy Prior, who was then at least 58+ had, still, one of the most amazing voices anybody could have the pleasure of hearing.


Anonymous said…
Beards are for bards. Grow it back! T would LOVE it - especially with the ends doused in Fursty Ferret and Cornish Knocker...
Anonymous said…
Does a goatee qualify me as being a bearded real ale drinker.

I've read about Seth Lakeman in an acoustic guitar magazine but not heard him before. Must go and add some CD's to my Amazon wish list.
Tony Theaker said…
Absolutely, Goatees certainly qualify. If you can get hold of some CD's you'll not be disappointed.

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