Iphone or Iron...Make mine steamy and smooth gliding action

...I love being married, it is very nice. There is though a darker side to it, which is never mentioned prior to marriage. It is the subversion of your gadget head, especially important from a male perspective, as although I am not suggesting women cannot be geeky tech heads, this is not true, some females I know are very much into this delightful area. It is inherently a male dominated fetish. For example, my previous post about my new phone, the rather sexy, Samsung Omnia, proves I like gadgets.

Now, with being married I am being pushed towards looking more at household gadgets. They just arent as sexy, but they can be quite nice. I spent 2 hours of my life, which I will never get back looking last night at Irons. Ours has died. I bought one from amazon, here it is. I rather liked it, it was %50 off, so a real baragin to boot.

Yet, the truth is, there are, and I know I spent 2 hours looking, some pretty sexy Irons out there, they are the household equivalents of sexy Italian supercars. I thought I'd show a few of my particular favourites;

A sexy, little black and pink number, for the latent housewife Dominatrix, Burlesque dancer, who needs to keep the naughty clothes hidden in the bottom of the wardrobe, nice and ironed. If this Iron could talk, it would be dirty.

A far more refined iron, here. It oozes understated class. With sensuous curves that would not be out of place on a supermodels torso, this is just a purely aesthetic iron.

A 100% mans iron. This 'dark and moody' iron radiates meance from its plastic top to its ceramic plate bottom. Washing would fling their hands up in surrender if they saw the approach of this stealthly manly iron. Designed, i think, to put the fear of steam into that big pile of pants.

Another, very manly iron. Though less subtle than the previous and less menacingly sexy. Unlike the above Iron, you wouldnt need to warn your daughters about this, as it's just very blokey. Do you see, what I see? Yes, This isn't an Iron, it has the look more of a power tool. In fact, I would suggest that the parentage of this black monster would have been an indescretion between a breville and a Bosch, at the bottom of the garden shed.

In the world of irons, this baby, is the reason why men should not buy women underwear. This is the man's choice of sexy underwear, bright red, lacy, unsubtle and totally disliked by the female recipient, who sees it as a piece of red dental floss attached to a triangle of lacy fabric. It's bold, it's brash, It's porn Iron to my eyes.

As you can see, domesticity has a good side, it also has a darker unspoken side. In my heart I want to have an apple Iphone. It's not the greatest functional phone, but it's a design classic. Here, I have gone for functionality over, as you can see, reader, some pretty hot iron body kits. And this is my problem, am I less of a man, than when I got married?


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