Conversations on the train...

...Which, oftenly, can be mildly amusing or scary depending on where you are travelling. Heading back from Manchester and a conference put on by the Health and Safety Executive, hence I was surrounded by a huge amount of health and safety officers, which did make me ponder what the collective noun for H&S officers would be...I quite liked the idea of 'a risk assessment' of H&S officers, or a ' a clipboard' of H&S officers. I think I preferred my first description.
Yet, after an interesting day at conference I began the epic journey, and there is no underestimation here, home. It involved three trains and the first one from Manchester to Sheffield I found myself sat on my own behind the table seats, where 2 young, female, university students (In theory therefore, sharp and knowledgeable) were sat, so I couldn't not hear most of their conversion, and they really had some good ones. The first I will relate here;

Girl 1: Where is the Dutch from? I know of them, but don't know where they are from.

Girl 2: I think they are from europe somewhere.

Girl 1: Don't they all wear clogs?

Girl 2: Yes.

Conversation number 2 seemed to come from one of the their magazines, Q, which is a music magazine.

Girl 1: Ha, look at him...he's really old. Who is Engelbert Humperdink?
They then proceeded to laugh at his name for about 5 minutes. Honestly, who doesn't know Engelbert Humperdink!

Trains journeys are all good fun. And hey, I am sure they are on target for that first. Obviously not in geography, mind.


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