Victory has been won

From yesterday where I was at the stage of attaching the pull out loft ladder! A friend and I followed the written instructions received with the ladder. All went well, or so we thought, until I went to stow the ladder away with the hook pole we also got with the ladder. Pole goes up, ladder goes in, go to remove the pole, the ladder decides it wants to come back out. What we had here was a jack in the box loft ladder, as it was getting dark I decided that instead of standing guard over the loft I would have to take it off it arm mechanism and store it for the night and sort it in the morning.
Went to bed happily, though a little perplexed and pondered in my dreams what the potential solutions could be. In the end, decided to swap around the arm, which though contrary to the written instructions, fitted with the photograph of a man climbing into his loft with his freshly attached ladder (obviously he didn't follow the instructions), and once it was swapped around and re-secured, voila! The ladder went up, stowed away and didn't at any point want to spring out and knock you out on the way down.
It has made quite a difference now the ladder is in and a little bit of stuff has gone up and is now stored away. Here is as far as I am at present. I have used all my 3x2 Wood pieces. So am going to buy some more of those, only three more beams to raise and then I am at the back wall. At this point some more chipboard flooring and I will have much more space to fill full of rubbish that we don't want to store downstairs.


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