The gender difference and car driving

A slightly contentious title but one I am about to demonstrate following an incident today. I pulled up behind a small, black car parked at the traffic lights. I then observed the female driver, of said car brushing her hair and fixing her make up in the rear view mirror for a few minutes. I would just like to say that Car's are tools and one should be attentive at all times to the road, the mirrors of for observing hazards, or potential hazards through good observational use of the said mirrors, quite frankly this female was quite a dangerous driver!....

...Pardon? What do you mean? what was I doing at the traffic lights?

.....Not sure people would be interested in that, really.

.....It would give the piece a balance? Hmm....

Okay, Okay, I sometimes despise my inner conscious. I may have been approaching the traffic lights with Led Zeppelin playing 'since I've been loving you', very loudly. This is the law. If you look closely at Led Zeppelin albums, on the back in very small print it says, 'This music can only be played and appreciated at very high decibel levels, our recommendation is around the sound of a jumbo jet taking off'. As I approached the small black car, I may, just may have been playing air guitar to the Killer Jimmy Page riff that had just come on.

But, I wasn't fixing make up and that's my point.


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