though I walk through the valley of the shadow of Dull

Yes, today was the first day of the proposed Ante Natal course, my wife and I are booked on. It's a free 4 week course: There is a reason for this I found out after spending 2 hours of my life coming to terms with just how long 2 hours is when you really, really, count, every single second as it ticks by, remorselessly.
It started badly. The chairs were layed out in the circular fashion. This immediately puts my back up as I now knew what the first sentence would be from the midwife. 'Let's introduce ourselves.', it was in fact 'lets introduce ourselves...and say a few things about your pregnancy'. It was going to get tougher than I thought, I thought.

6 couples, 6 men and 6 women. Women appeared interested to be there. The men, I counted at least 3 who wanted to be somewhere else, anywhere else. Fighting in the somme, for example.

I think what annoyed me most, was that I spent 2 hours and picked up information that was actually on the handout. Could I not have had the hand out and saved on the two hours?

One of the great bullet points of the handout was a list of things required for the time you head to hospital. I specifically enjoy number 1;

Packed Lunch (For Partner). Which is curious as I have actually arranged a nice Fortnum and Mason hamper, and intend to make a day of it.

I do think I would struggle with number 2;

Something cool to wear (For Partner)! (Now I have very few cool clothes with which to wear, I guess I am going to have to go cap in hand to a friend for a few hints and tips.

So all in all, I wanted to escape the dullness of it. I did feel at points I was in a women's coffee morning. I still believe that Pregnancy is very much a female issue as it would appear that all the government has geared up for is from the female perspective.


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