
The United Kingdom is on 'lockdown' if you follow the news, and read the papers. It isn't of course. I detest the use of the term 'lockdown.' For one, it's another creeping americanism that the world can do without. There it is used as a prison term. Here it's jarring and unhelpful because it means nothing happens, which is patently a position we are not in. I would for clarity refer to it as a partial shutdown at best.

You can leave the house. You can leave for health reasons; ie: A run, or a walk. One even imagines cartwheeling down the road is acceptable provided you maintain the physical distancing. This takes me to another term that flabbergasts me, 'Social Distancing.' This is very much the last thing we should be doing. Humans are by evolution, social animals. What they are asking us to do is 'Physical' distancing. I believe it should be a minimum of two metres, so, virtually, a horizontal me in every direction when you are outside. We shouldn't be socially distancing ourselves. Quite the contrary, in fact, we should become more socially intimate. Make the calls, make the face-time, text: we still have the ability to post letters. Yes, actually writing letters is an option.

You could write one to the Prime Minister, for instance, and ask why, two weeks ago did he think that the best solution as he said himself was, 'take it on the chin', by sacrificing the older, more vulnerable members of society to the corona virus and hence, keep everyone out and about and all the shops open. It is still to all intents and purposes the strategy of the American President. A truly wicked, and despicable man. So, ask him why he has gone from slaughtering old people to his so called 'Lockdown.' He won't know of course, because he has no clue. A bear of very little brain.

You may also ask him why over the last ten years his party have removed 20,000 frontline members of the Police force, and yet now intend to enforce the restrictions. Hindsight would be a terrible thing if every one outside of their political party hadn't been saying that this was an appalling policy.

It also turned out that during the last 10 years of austerity that money was always in the treasury vaults (Commending the current government for high end irony as being the most socialist government in the history of our isles is a remarkably odd thing, but, however it is now true. No one underwrites the wages of a nation unless they had the initials USSR). What wasn't there was the will to help the poorer, more vulnerable members of society. An indictment of how cruel, both the Tory party and its supporters truly are.

Interesting times indeed. Some people have to go to work, some don't. Some people own £6000 of toilet roll, some don't. And as the majority of non-essential shops begin to close (How many will we see re-open I wonder?), society as we know it may have begun to fundamentally change. The tunnel we find ourselves in seems to still be pitch black and there is no end in sight. Oh, and let us not forget that the clock of the withdrawal agreement is still ticking up to the 31/12/2020 and as we have clearly seen, even just a 10% impact on our supply chain has forced panic buying throughout the country.

Proof that our future regardless of Corona or not will be more difficult. Fun times.

We have, however, survived the second day of home school.


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