Full House!!

As the current crisis continues to sweep through this island, and people decide that only an average of 100 toilet rolls per household will suffice, we now face the prospect of opening our own private schools. We have discussed this with our children and we have decided on the following

6am - wake up
6:30 to 7:30am - Cross country run
7:30 to 7:45am - Shower (cold) to invigorate
7:45am to 8:30am - Breakfast. A choice of Kippers, or Eggs
8:30 to 9:30am - First Lesson: Mathematics ( NO BODMAS!)
9:30 to  10:30am - Second Lesson: English (NO DICKENS!)
10:30-10:45am Break - 10 laps of the garden
10:45 to Noon - Handwriting lessons
Noon to 1pm - Lunch

Monday - Fish and boiled Vegetables with semolina pudding
Tuesday - Fish and steamed Vegetables with spotted dick pudding
Wednesday - Fish with roasted Vegetables with Tapioca pudding
Thursday - Boiled Ham and mashed potatoes with Blancmange pudding
Friday - Lamb with boiled potatoes with cold rice pudding and jam

1pm to 2pm - Mongolian History
2pm to 3pm - Roman/Greek History
3pm to 4pm - More Handwriting lessons
4pm to 5pm - PE 3 mile cross country regardless of weather
5pm to 6pm - Thinking lesson

Home time.

The children are very excited!


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