Mini Cab driving test

I am often stunned by the level of disregard Mini Cab drivers have for the highway code. This has led me to believe that they operate to different rules to everybody else. This has been proved now with my discovery of the Mini Cab driving test paper, which I have transcribed here;

Q1: You are about to reach the address of a 'pick up' on a busy street, do you?
        a) check your mirrors, indicate and then slowly break while moving to the side of the road and gently slowing to a stop.
        b) heave on your steering wheel and pull in at an angle, only ever used by American Bunker busting missiles, ensuring enough of your back end is in the road to block one lane of traffic.

Q2: Are mirrors attached to cars for
       a) essential and important safety reasons, allowing for observations and identification of hazards
       b) watching ladies bottoms after passing them in the street

Q3: Indicators are designed for what reason?
       a) indicating to other road users your proposed alteration of direction
       b) hanging car fresheners from

Q4: Who has right of entry to a roundabout?
       a) cars approaching from the right
       b) Mini Cabs have the right of entry on all road junctions, regardless of position

Q5: Where is the best place to park?
       a) wherever parking is allowed and where safe to do so
       b) any space or surface on which I can fit my vauxhall cavalier

Q6: What are traffic wardens?
        a) enforcers of traffic regulations and laws
        b) Arch enemies of Mini Cab drivers, and worth 50 points if driven over

Q7: The brake pedal is used..?
        a) for bringing your car to a stop
        b) In emergencies only and as a last resort

Q8: Speed limits are for?
        a) maintaining the flow of traffic at reasonable speeds
        b) the challenge

Q9: The Highway code is there for?
        a) to provide rules which enable safe driving in all conditions
        b) other drivers

Q10: The mini cab code is?
        a) to be a safe, polite, courteous driver at all times
        b) do unto others before they do unto you

Yes, I know, I have an issue here.



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