I do like a unique Dongle

I have always been a fan of the memory stick. They have always been very functional and stick like. Yet, this has begun to change with designers realising that there can be more impact to a flash drive than a plastic stick gives it and here's a few of the high impact ones;

I do love the idea of Lego Flashdrives. I particularly like the idea that at some point you could perhaps build a desktop PC out of lego flashdrives

Okay, this is difficult on two levels, the first being that should you use a laptop, what is essentially a spherical object wider than your laptop means it's going to be difficult to plug in and keep your laptop flat on the desk. The other problem would be walking through Airport customs with your business documents loaded on a flash drive shaped into a hand grenade. This situation involves nothing but an unpleasant ending.

For those tree hugger's amongst you. This can only be described as Eco-genius, a wooden tree shaped flash drive. I guess you'd put your personal logs on it! (haha, you see that, trees - logs). If you were in the Army, you could call it your captains log! (geddit, star trek there). Here all week.

For the ultimate Geek, and I do tend to find myself, through no fault of my own, thrust into this arena. The ultimate flashdrive would be this;

A light saber flash drive, which can be chosen with the red, sith light or the Jedi Green. Speaking as a man who possesses a lightsabre torch, a flash drive would be a valuable and loved addition to the geek collection!


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