Mirror, Mirror on the wall...

 For many years now we have had a tiny mirror that we bought with us when we moved. We put it up in the hallway of our new house. The hallway swamped it, and I was the only one who could see in it, because that was were the hook went. We have been in the house for nearly two years. I found myself in B&Q this week. I have been on annual leave and we have been doing some DIY. Before I went I mentioned to my wife that I'll have a look at mirrors while I remember!

And I did remember! There wasn't a huge selection available in all fairness and after I thought long and hard I found one which seemed really good. 

Here, therefore is the start and the finish. I can now safely say that my entire can fit within the mirror. Indeed, according to my wife, most of the street would fit in!

And I quote my wife here with the following quote, 'Do you think we would have bought a mirror that big if I had been with you?'


Here is the old mirror sat underneath the new hallway mirror, for comparison. 


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