It's A Good Start

Today witnessed the first exodus of bulky items from our house, which were solely child related. After the birth of our first child, we like most other new parents, realised we would have to transport her around somehow so we purchased a second hand Pram, and a new car seat. We bought the pram off ebay, as we felt that paying the ridiculous amounts for a new one was a huge false economy. We ended up with about £400 worth of 'Travel System' for about £140 and a £70 car seat, so we halved to a certain extent what we could have chosen to spend. The only downside to the pram was that it had a scratch on one of the struts, which was hardly earth shattering and meant we had a quality pram for half the price, which freed up money to buy other stuff for the flump. 

Since we have had flump 2: The sequel. We moved into a double buggy which is a lot niftier and trendier than the original pram/buggy. It also holds two flumps! The decision was then taken to off load the original pram 'travel system' from whence it came, via Ebay. Today it was sold, for a respectable sum, nowhere near the original amount but more than I expected. The real benefit for me is that it marks the turning point from babies to toddlers and the beginning exodus of the baby stuff too! Had we stuck with the one flump then we'd be moving a lot more out, as it is we have another year or so until we can really begin shifting the really bulky baby items out. I long to the see the giant, but wonderful bargain, plastic changing table used by boy flump and hopefully the Ikea changing unit we travelled through deepest, darkest Yorkshire to collect and bring home, which is now a little battered and bruised and won't be missed when it goes, and I doubt it will be re-sold. I think it is developing into a tip item myself.

So, while it is good to declutter the baby stuff we are also bringing in more toddler stuff at the same time, but this happens to be a little less bulky and easier to sort than large, inanimate pieces of furniture or the point of this post, the silver cross travel system and car seat!


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