Things You Should Approach With Care.

'A few days ago I found myself in PC World. Not often this happens and it was fairly enjoyable as I haven't window shopped for PC stuff and gadgets in a while, so it was good fun. One of the things I saw and had a chance to have a quick play with is this little beasty;

The Apple Ipad. The piece of kit that somehow, and despite not having a market, it appears to have created its own. I cannot say that I was initially a fan. I failed to see how it was an exceptional piece of kit that provided any added value to what you can do with a laptop. It has no USB, It has no Multi tasking functions and it was not cheap. It shouldn't work, when compared with the functionality of for instance a Notebook, which has more functionality and is half the price.

Though, now having just physically held one I now know it is exceptionally beautiful. It truly is a wondrous design and feels remarkably substantial and not quite as awkward to hold and use as I previously thought as I checked out the notes programme and scrolled through the photos on the display model. One of the apps I tried which really blew my mind is the ibooks app. The Apple e-book application that provides 60,000 titles to the kindles more magnificent 450,000 yet the resolution and styling on the Ipad made the book pages look exceptionally crisp and really I can see myself using it should I own one. I have it on the touch, but the screen is annoyingly too small I think to make a good e-reader. I have never had the chance to play with the kindle, and I would like to at some point as that too looks pretty special. 

All in all, the Ipad looks pretty special and is exceptionally gorgeous. I don't think I'll be buying one soon, neither can I afford one at present nor would I purchase one when the Ipad 2 is rumoured to be out around february, which should come equipped with camera so there's no real point. And after all the fauning over its loveliness. I have still yet to figure its purpose out though one reveiwer seems to nail it with this; 

'it isn’t designed to replace your computer, instead it is designed to make certain tasks very easy..If you are the sort of person who uses a computer for browsing the web and email, then you will like the iPad, if you want to use it for more complicated tasks, at the moment, until we see what multitasking is like you may be better off using a laptop.' 

So, there you go. I held a little bit of beauty in my hand that serves no purpose that cannot be improved upon or be more functional in other devices, at a cheaper cost. The Ipad reminds me of some words from the preface to a great novel written by one of my literary heroes, Oscar wilde, in the Picture of Dorian Gray. 

'The only excuse for making a useless thing is that one admires it intensely.'

And after I had played with the Ipad and cuddled it intensely and the service assistant had pried it from my cold iron like grip I disappeared to have a look at the mac books....Now, there's a thing of beauty as well as providing some of the best functionality around too.


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