It got cold, up North, in fact it got so cold white stuff fell from the sky and when I say fell I mean hurtled. While it was blanketing the Northern part of the United Kingdom I ventured out and took some photographs to show what Narnia would look like if it had ever had a development of Red brick terraced housing. It got pretty deep in a few days, as you can see from the garden, the washing line just about kept its lines dry, but the bench at the back didnt and became a little submerged, it still is, this must be the second week now. It is starting to thaw slowly, mainly because our temperatures are merely flirting with 0 degrees, they haven't consummated the above freezing relationship yet. It would help if they got their act together and did so. I might then be able to dig the cars out on the street.
 As you can see from the third picture, captured during a snow shower, the car is snug in its snow lined blanket. While the outbuilding door is protected by a deadly ice portcullis, which sadly will melt as it could prove an effective anti theft device in the long term.

Hopefully now that the thawing has begun we could see the last of the snow for a while at least. I have been subject to quite a few cancelled meetings and postponed football games. So I have found myself doing little by way of training, unless you count eating Stollen cake and mince pies. My wife and I have already eaten the pre-bought christmas ration of Mince pies.


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