Captian Oates has nothing on me.

I decided to venture out today. I had to travel 2 miles to dig out my Nannar's driveway as we have to be able to fit a car on it this coming saturday, so I took the bull by the horns and stepped outside. It took, roughly half a mile to realise I should have caught the bus rather than walk as I took a couple of photos to stress how brave I was!

 Hard to believe that I actually set out at 9:30am, the freezing mist made the place seem a little like a Narnian wonderland, except without Turkish Delight, for which I'd probably sell out my family too, but that's another issue. The main one was the exceptional cold as I wound my way out of town and headed to nannar's village.
 This photo for those who know the area is called 'shoulder of Mutton Hill'. I am on kingsway road and what I am photographing here is another stretch of road, called Nuncargate road, which is the one below and runs at a right angle to this hedge, between this hedge and that road lies a field which is not overly large either. As you can see the level of visibility wasn't brilliant.

I would love to say that where I was going was just about where that cars lights are, but it isn't, there was another three quarters of a mile to go!

By the time I got there and cleared the driveway. I had become a little bored of the snow, which reminds me that at some point I need to dig out the cars.


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