The Joy Of Parents

Being a kindly soul I offered to take my mum and her partner to the garage to collect their car which had not been starting of late. We went via a big shop, so as if the car was fixed they could be dropped off to the garage and drive themselves back. Which seemed a great plan and it went well. When we arrived at the garage the mechanic said that he turned it over a few times during the day and it started first time so couldn't find a fault, he did say that if it doesn't start then ring him and he'll come up and look at the car on the drive. Now there's a good service. We transferred across their shopping bags to the boot and then they went off. I reversed and then left the garage but had to wait to turn into the road. So after a few minutes I turned into the road to drive home, happily confident they would be far away from me.

As I turned the corner and headed to the lights I then saw their little red car pulled over by the pavement in a little parking area. My immediate thought was of a little concern as maybe they were waiting for me and they'd then pull out and drive off. As I got closer to them, no, they didn't pull out at all they just stayed there. My little concern turned to thoughts of 'ah, perhaps they have broken down. I shall pull over and see if they are okay.' I pulled the car in front of them. All the while it had been snowing. I turned off the car and got out to approach them, at the same time my mum got out of their car too.

'Ah,' Mum said, 'I thought you'd stop.'

'Yes, why. What's the problem?' I asked expecting to put the shopping back into my boot and taking them to Nannars.

'Oh, no problem. Bruce stopped because he had to roll a cigarette.'

'Ah,' said, I. 'That's okay then, right. I'll carry on then, I guess, now I know you're fine'

There you go. You think the worst and hey presto. They stopped to make cigarettes and there was I worrying.


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