
Showing posts from February, 2010

quenching one thirst

I am a thirsty person by nature, be it knowledge or hot beverage. I was particularly fond of a nice cup of tea, and my mum used to say that I could actually smell a kettle boil. Lately I have drunk more Coffee than I ever used too, not quite sure why, maybe I find it quicker to make than tea or maybe my tastes are changing. Regardless, I need a lot of beverage. Imagine my smile when I found and bought myself a new cup for tea or coffee, it seemed the answer to my prayers. I have for scale placed my new cup against a standard tea cup and also next to our 1.7 litre Kettle. As you can judge for yourself, size would appear to be everything. Maybe I am becoming an American?

The gender difference and car driving

A slightly contentious title but one I am about to demonstrate following an incident today. I pulled up behind a small, black car parked at the traffic lights. I then observed the female driver, of said car brushing her hair and fixing her make up in the rear view mirror for a few minutes. I would just like to say that Car's are tools and one should be attentive at all times to the road, the mirrors of for observing hazards, or potential hazards through good observational use of the said mirrors, quite frankly this female was quite a dangerous driver!.... ...Pardon? What do you mean? what was I doing at the traffic lights? .....Not sure people would be interested in that, really. .....It would give the piece a balance? Hmm.... Okay, Okay, I sometimes despise my inner conscious. I may have been approaching the traffic lights with Led Zeppelin playing 'since I've been loving you', very loudly. This is the law. If you look closely at Led Zeppelin albums, on the bac

Brilliant Idea

Now that the Loft has some flooring I stood there thinking, and this is what happened. With all this space for my daughters stuff, why not go the whole hog so to speak and move the daughter into the loft. Now the main problem I saw was that my daughter, at nearly 10months old, could not climb up the loft ladder. Aha, I thought, is the ladder necessary a block to this happening. It was then that I cast  my mind to the old fashioned monastery's that were built onto mountain tops. They used a pulley system. Here is mine. Figure 1. This shows the general outline of my proposal. A metal winder system attached to a revolving steel plate which can move in a 90degree radius. As demonstrated here, the winch could be attached to a wooden basket and winched into the loft. As you can see in figure 2. The winch mechanism can traverse the 90 degrees and enter what I have called the Baby Deposit Zone (BDZ). Now that the winch is locked into the BDZ, I would then propose the following, in

Victory has been won

From yesterday where I was at the stage of attaching the pull out loft ladder! A friend and I followed the written instructions received with the ladder. All went well, or so we thought, until I went to stow the ladder away with the hook pole we also got with the ladder. Pole goes up, ladder goes in, go to remove the pole, the ladder decides it wants to come back out. What we had here was a jack in the box loft ladder, as it was getting dark I decided that instead of standing guard over the loft I would have to take it off it arm mechanism and store it for the night and sort it in the morning. Went to bed happily, though a little perplexed and pondered in my dreams what the potential solutions could be. In the end, decided to swap around the arm, which though contrary to the written instructions, fitted with the photograph of a man climbing into his loft with his freshly attached ladder (obviously he didn't follow the instructions), and once it was swapped around and re-secured, v

started well, didn't quite finish on the same note.

You all may know the loft project has begun, whereby we shall transform our once inaccessible (The loft hatch, was in fact, quite true to its description that we could only put rabbits through it) Though having seen Mission Impossible and Indiana Jones, I did consider creating a basket on a winch and winding my daughter into the loft with night vision goggles on and a video recorder strapped to her head. I felt she would have seen it as a great adventure! but my wife said it was irresponsible, mainly because she doesn't know how to use the night vision goggles. So we have a new, larger hatch, to fit new larger things through that revolve around the now larger daughter, who has now out grown many items,  and they're going in loft for a start. So, as I know nothing about DIY, except what it stands for, Don't Insult Yeti's. They have a low tolerance threshold for insults. I know this, I fought one in the Korean War. It wasn't pretty. The first job would involve rai

This is what I choose to do

So, in answer to the last post, How will I fill my time? It would appear I'll muck about with templates because I felt the blog needed a 'freshen up'. Seeing as I don't have an iphone, thought I'd have the second best and template the notepad from an iphone. sad, moi?

Death of Facebook

Okey dokey. I did it, for a while at least. I de-activated my facebook account for Lent, 40 days. How hard can that be, really? It's not like I chose to stop eating for that length of time. It'll be interesting. I miss my farm, and my mafia and my mousehunt. But  I shall cope, I think. Would have been nice to have my stables completed before the end though! So what to do with all this spare time then, well I blogged twice tonight, so far. Might get some reading done as I have a good book on the war of the roses to finish. Ah, this might not all be so bad.

rural, rural Derbyshire! Where beds fall from walls

Indeed. Last weekend I found myself away, with Wife and child at Cliff College, in rural Derbyshire, near Calver I believe. Now it has to be said; I have studied at two of the most attractive campus universities, Exeter, designed for oxford and cambridge rejects. And my favourite, Keele University, in staffordshire, my first and one of the most attractive places to study. I know it's not far from Stoke on Trent, and boy is that a culture shock for the eyes! But Keele, nestled away is just stunning, recommend it, go. Avoid Stoke. So we role up in the dark and awake to this! The one on the left is our accommodation block. It looks lovely doesn't it? The stone is lovely. But much like Cheryl Cole, the outside might be pretty but the inside is less so. the photo on the right was taken from the beside the car, and shows Kerber edge, behind the fields and under the clear Derbyshire blue sky. A beautiful, beautiful campus. And like all beautiful things, they cannot quite
Have a Bhronoscopy. No, this isn't some form of duplicate dinosaur. It is a part of the Endoscopy department at your local Hospital. It's the part of the hospital where you can have you insides put on the television screen. Having researched this post a little, there are quite a variety of 'scopy's' they can do. I was sat next to an elderly gentleman who had had a 'Cystoscopy' performed. I am not going to tell you what that is but will provide the following clue. It tends to be more painful for a man than a woman, due to the potential rigidity and diameter of the endoscope used. Bhronoscopy is the term for the respiratory tract area that the endoscope investigates, as this was a diagnostic Brhonoscopy. The purpose to which was to find the root cause of why for the past few years, I have on occassion not just woken up everyday, but also blessed that day by spitting blood into the sink. Fortunately or unfortunately, my wife seemed to think that this perhaps

I have an irrational hatred of Vodafone....

...thought first some background. I was heading to a hospital appointment today, couldn't eat and drink for 4 hours prior to this. For those who know me, this is like removing the world empire building lust from Julius Caesar, all you are left with is a balding, italian gigolo. Me, without food and drink becomes for prolonged spells becomes the inspiration for Jack Nicholson's Jack Torrance from the shining. So I was not overally happy as it was. And what, what do Vodafone choose to do today, of all days. This is what they choose to do Indeed, they sent me, via the post a flipping tea bag! why don't they just rub it in?! To top it all, I don't even think it's a quality cup of tea either. Probably a pallet load of reject bags from 'Gut Rot Tea company,' £6 per 100 tonnes, more bag than tea. I shall of course be cancelling my pay monthly contract for this, mortal, insult.

I blame my friends

But I would not have had to post this if a friend hadn't been posting tracks from her Youth, which a) were very good and b) made me remember some of mine and so I thought why not share the pleasure, or pain, depending on what you like. So here we go, with some of the music of my developing years! Chris Isaak. (1989), now not many 13 year olds I knew liked Chris Isaak, but boy, I did. So much so that I bought the album, I had to buy the tape, because that's all we had kids, Tape or Vinyl. And I remember where I bought it from, Tower records in London, on a school trip. I played it on the tube on my personal walkman, for those under 30, that's what we used to put tapes in, like an Ipod, but heavier, less convenient and the insides were re-tightened by using a pencil/pen on the cassette wheel. And I loved two particular songs from his early stuff. Anyway, Wicked Game, as I hope you'll agree is one of the most heartbreaking songs ever written and his voice makes it al