Up North...!

I never had to tolerate this crazy white stuff living in Devon, where if it got to 10 degrees we gritted the roads. Though it is still gorgeous to look at from behind a window. Makes me feel all victorian, for some reason I have come to associate winter snow with the victorians, I think Dickens 'Christmas Carol' has an awful lot to answer for.

The temptation to lean out of the window and shout at a young urchin for a turkey was almost unbearable. Though, in Kirkby the repsonse may not have been repeatable, once they had grasped what a Turkey, perhaps was. I think I may have more success if I was to tell them to bring me back 'the finest donor kebab you can find, young urchin, with plenty of chilli sauce and put some gravy on it' (a truly northern delicacy, gravy on everything, probably even cereal I imagine, if they were allowed).

And yes, the midlands is the north. And as my old friend from Devon, now NZ says. 'anything north of Exeter is up north, and also there be dragons'. We simple west country folk are quite believing.


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