Careful, let my ego through, please. It's very important!

Slightly tongue in cheek title but I had to pass on the most bizarre example of my life as a 'civic dignitary'. It was another plain day in Theakerville, my ego was feeling good. When a letter dropped through my letterbox, addressed to me. Wow, this one smells posh, thought I. And swiftly tore open said letter. Well, blow my little, now rather large ego down, It was letterheaded, Who's Who Publications. Telling little old me that I am to be mentioned in the 2009 Young Business leaders Edition of Whos who of Britains business elite and giving me until the 22nd Dec to amend my entry! Me! My entry! into the world of Glamour and fashion, well I might exagerate the last two. I thought I had arrived and so did my ego, which now filled both downstairs rooms, and purred like a kitten have its ears rubbed. No more, Tesco and Sekonda for me, I thought. Next stop fortnum and masons for lunchtime snacks and then straight down to get the omega seamaster, to befit a man of such renown. I might run down on my new Church's of London shoes. What I decided to do was investigate!

Upon the web there are, what appears to be two Whos who. The really, really, famous Red one that all the enobled Aristocrats are in, along with MP's and the founder of Wikipedia, bizarrely. Now, interesting fact, when you are a member of whos who and it is thus for life, trapped in the yellowing pages of literary time no less but when that is over and from this mortal coil, thus shuffled you have (a little Yoda, there.) You automatically gain an entry into their little known second, and less famous red book, Who was Who! Yes, I do not make this up, you get moved into what can only be described as the dead edition. Now This wasnt my site.

Mine was a seemingly rival site, that obviously is a little bit of a young turk and is making Whos who books for those that make the money in the UK (or did before the banks gave it all a way to people who couldnt pay it back), They have removed the enobled and Public figures and focused on the money makers, by issuing business editions of Whos Who. Now This is where I got my entry as they have a young business leaders edition and of course, being young, under 35 and being a Director of a multimillion pound business, the Alliance SSP, well, I was last year. I know, you say, but you hide your light under such a humble bushel, yes. And its so humble, the bushel i simply call 'humbley'.

So I look around the web page and my thoughts turn to my ego. My ego doesn't rule my head, I say, I don't have to be in this edition, I can, remove my entry and allow some other, more deserving young business leader take my place. It wouldn't bother me to have my name in some silly book, that no one will ever read. So I thought what a silly and un theaker thing to do, to be so ego driven to want to put my entry and even amend it online for publication in Feb 2009, that's just not me. I'd rather potter in the garden, tending the flowers I grow, these are truly the rewards of life, watching the very germination of creation and tender saplings rise, so magnificently and cared for, into a glorious panoply of vibrant summer colours, materialistic ego stroking through publication would not fit into my altruistic world. So I made that decision

...I amended and published my entry, to include my interests as well :-)

(And I also don't do flowers too, honestly).

Available in all good book shops where famous people are available on the shelves, for the princely sum of £60, You so didn't expect me to be in a publication worth less than £20, did you? why, that would bring me into the hoi poloi world of Fiction hardbacks. And I do so now, have a reputation to maintain!


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