
The thing about working far from home is that you are essentially working 12/13hr day every day without fail. It becomes very tiring after a while. This is where holidays are looked forward to as a time of rest and most certainly recovery as well. It is also why I get so very depressed when before the holiday starts I begin to fall ill. It reduces the holiday to a waste of free time and all the plans you had are, ultimately, broken down into dust.

It's taken just under a week to kick off this infection I had that took full effect on Friday before I left work, though thinking about it I had managed to keep it at bay for a few days prior just because I was busy and sometimes it works like that. You can be too busy to get ill, but once you stop...well, bang. Nails you to the ground.

The weekend was essentially a wash out and gradually I have improved over the remainder of the week. Still can't quite shift the cough though. I know what will happen; By the time I return to work I will be full of energy and recovered, just in time to not be able to take advantage of the week off I booked!

It is called, sods law.


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