I never intended to live inside a giant Hedgehog

The Winner of the RIBA award for most outstanding international work by a member of RIBA has been awarded. RIBA are the Royal Institute of British Architects. And within this group there are some stand out Architects. It is a field of art and design I have loved since I took my work experience at school working for a small architecture studio in Devon for two weeks. It seemed a wheeze to actually get paid for drawing but as it got closer to deciding what to do at University I kind of dipped out of Architecture as I wasn't convinced I had the necessary drawing talent to combine with what I can picture in my head. This has always frustrated me that I can see things in my head that I can't translate to paper. I am not without talent, but have never been satisfied with the level it's at. It's on my retirement list to remedy.
I still am fascinated by architecture and design, it gives me a cheap thrill every time I see the genius of a human mind exploring in construction and design terms buildings, objects that challenge our perception of how we fill space. The 2010 winner does this, with plenty to spare. This work was commissioned by the British Government  for an Expo, so yes, all you tax payers have helped pay for this beauty, so at least sit back and admire the joy you've bought to the world. Here it is, Britains gift to China, nicknamed the 'seed Cathedral'

Beautiful, isn't? Well, I think so. It is created with 60,000 7.5metre long Aluminum rods attached to a timber framework. Obviously the rods being that length and size are pretty flexible and as the wind moves through the building the rods quiver, hence people have compared it to a sea urchin or a dandelion. So few buildings actually react to the environment in this manner it actually flows and changes almost all the time.

and the inside?

okay then, this is a photo I have found from the inside of the building itself.

As you can see for yourself. The inside is arguably even more impressive than the outside. I was reminded while looking at the photo of those images you see of people watching the northern lights. I hope you are as impressed as me.

The people responsible are here Heatherwick Studio's


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