
Showing posts from October, 2008


I go to the kitchen to make a cup of tea at 2am, I come back into the front room, it's 1am! messes with my head.

Bill Bailey is not helping me sleep!

I had such good intentions of going to bed, yet I find on the Television Bill Bailey's Part Troll Tour, which I went to watch live many years ago at the Nottingham Concert Hall. It finishes at 1.50am, Which is pretty late, but man, oh man, is he so a very, very strange way.

Yay, I can text

At last the migration of my phone number has completed and I can now recieve and send texts from my phone. I receive texts to the sound of a rather natty mexican party band!

Tony's sexy new Gadget!

My new phone arrived today and boy, as a lover of all things gadgety, it's pretty, pretty sexy! It is the Samsung Omnia, often labelled the iphone killer and it's jam packed with nifty kit. It's got bags of Storage, 8gb with the ability to add an additional 16 through a memory card. Tocuh screen which alters orientation when the phone is turned, which I still just love! It carries a 5mp Camera with some very cool effects. It runs 3G connectivity and has built in GPS/SAT NAV also. It runs Windows mobile 6.1 so can use Microsoft windows, excel and one note. All in all it's a phone of great beauty, it looks rather sexy too. However there are two drawbacks, one minor and one major 1 - The Input. It carries the usual formats, keyboard, keypad and Transcriber. It does not have letter recogniser which is the format I tend to use the most. Having said that, the Transcriber wich is on my old phone, a Tmobile Vario, was pants as it was so unresponsive. Yet using this transcriber

A tough decision...

...I tend to prefer the Adverts to the actual programmes on Television. When done well they are far more artistic, I think. And often there is an advert that comes along whose soundtrack is stunning. I have come across one of these recently and the music backing it, is quite frankly so well sung that I am unable to decide whether the original version by Cyndi Lauper is the poorer version. It is sung by Ane Brun, a norwegian singer/songwriter, proving again, in my mind that the nordic countries, when they produce female singers do it exeptionally well, Bjork, Nina Persson from the cardigans. You could really lose yourself in her voice and its gentle warbling undertone gives it such a vulnerable sound which impacts with the lyrics. I just can't decide so below is the Ane Brun version.

boats and trains

The last post kind of put me in the mood to do what I really don't believe in, but it's my blog and I can do what I want, It made me hark back to a forgotten age, the 1920's. Yes, I now there are no such things as Golden Ages, everything looks better in the past, when in the present, otherwise what would the Tory party campaign on? Yet I will play this game because I am in the mood. To me the 1920's symbolise the height of Travel, in a romantic sense. The Great steam powered ocean liners reached new heights of Luxury as they circumnavigated the great oceans and Trains were transcrossing Continents. Out of the Great War came the Fine Art Deco movement that bought a new style to the world and the fashions,(mainly picked up from fancying Louise Lombard and hence, watching the House of Elliot). I know less than nothing about Fashion, but I will say through shear ignorance that to me the 1920's witnessed the birth of what we perceieve to be the modern fashion industry wh

oh, how the other half live...or, I'd love me some of that, just to try

Last weekend, I found myself on a cruise liner. It was a relatively small one as cruise liners go. It seemed big to me until we pulled in (note my technical nautical term here) to Dublin, next to to a huge boat/ship/vessel delete as appropriate or if you care which ones right. It was fun, though it didn't really float my boat (ha,ha - I just though of that) and I doubt I'll cruise for a holiday...Unless I am on this Boat and in this cabin! The cunard Queen Mary 2 and the balmoral duplex Grand cabin! I shall go to bed tonight, just contemplating what on earth would happen if I ever had access to the Pillow Concierge! Who offers, count them kids, nine pillow options! I am so excited by this and I don't even know what the flip it means, but it just sounds great! 9 pillow options! I have at present 1, I put my head on it! What could I do with another 8?! I can't even think what even another 5 could be without getting rude, really, try it (I am, therefore not even commenting

Poor, poor, me...sympathy required

Not only have I somehow picked up a ridiculous leg injury that only flairs up when I do impact stuff, like running. But I have now caught a cold and feel rubbish too.

I need medical help

essentially I often worry about my sanity because my thoughts occassionally, though there are those who would replace this with 'often', wander to bizarre places and strangely I was thinking about the below show last night, prior to becoming a celebrity cook. For the life of me I don't know why. I think now it was because I had listened to Led Zeppelins 'whole lotta love' and had absolutely convinced myself that it was also used as the tune to cheggars plays pop. So I had to find out, who cares about food, hygene, etc when something this vital pops up! As you can see, it was almost like it; if you listen from very far away with an ear trumpet, that is perhaps blocked by a racoon with a cold having chased a lemming into the trumpet who has stolen his cake, then maybe it does sound a little like a whole lotta love. Or not.

I had the toy!

I actually had the toy bicycle at one point. It was one of the coolest things in the world. Also had the helmet and handcuffs from the series, I believe. I have lost the helmet!

You too can work in your sleep

Which is no better than my wife, again, mocking me for when I was asleep, apparently, she tells me as I was single handedly organising a Conference in my sleep or so I kept saying out loud.

How thoroughly depressing

It's a quarter to eight in the evening and it's pitch black outside my window, how depressing. Not, though, as depressing as my dream last night when I found myself entered into a TV cookery programme and found myself and a female partner, spanish, for interest sake having to cook a meal with ingredients bought from a London wholesalers. I believe I was going to make mussels on a bed of flavoured cous cous. I have squarely blamed my dear wife for making this dream happen because of her watching Gordon Ramsay's many different programmes, celebrity Masterchief, et al. What has surprised me is that I havent dreamt I am a property developer as she watches even more of these. I fondly remember the time when she was ill and spent one saturday, for about 8 hours continually, watching episodes of Homes under the hammer. I'll probably get into trouble for this post, but it will take at least 2 days for her to check her emails! Mind you I am not much better having one day spent m

Musically inspired Confessions

I am, this week, feeling rather pleased with myself and when this happens I tend to feel rather musical too. I must say that I do have a musical dark secret, I am unable to resist female singer songwriters! I guess I have had this addiction since I heard Kate Bush and then gravitated towards Tori Amos and Joan Osbourne in the 1990's, in the later 1990's I was passionate about Aimee Mann. Now all three of these woman started to, in my opinion decline in their songwriting powers, Tori having peaked for me on the 'little Earthquakes' and 'Under the Pink' albums. So, I had to find new females to keep my addiction alive and to deliver great music. And I still of the opinion that when a woman makes great music it is the finest music around as music to me is very much an emotional experience, and to my mind woman excel at being able to deliver multi-layed emotional music that can range from essentially very happy to very melancholy and everything in between. That's