
Showing posts from September, 2008

Leonard Cohen, Pt 2

One of Leonard Cohens most famous songs, is one, which in fact, is famous through it being covered by a young, gifted, american singer/songwriter called Jeff Buckley. Who recorded only one album, before tragically dying in a drowning accident in the late nineties at a young age. The album called, Grace, is now widely seen in top albums of all time charts, as is quite frankly a gem of a piece and one I was quite late discovering for myself and now cannot even remember what initially highlighted him. On this album is his cover of the Leonard Cohen, Hallelujah. This song has eclipsed the original recorded version and has appeared many times in many different tv programs/films. It seems a great combination of a great songwriter who can just express delicate beauty and a young man, who was blessed with a delicately beautiful voice, which soars above this song and brings such wonderful emotion to it, he really does bring this song to life. It is rightly seen as an all time classic and arguab

This blog is for my dear wife...

...who has never heard of Leonard Cohen! The canadian, musical Genius, whom I used to listen to a lot, many years ago, but rarely am in the mood for his stuff nowadays, although I still possess a couple of albums. I have enjoyed looking for this and dipping into some fondly remembered old tunes. I believe the conversation came from my love of melancholy music and I stated one band we were talking about was quite depressing, when I may have said not as depressing as Leonard Cohen, who I believe used to go by the nickname of, Mr Suicide. However I always appreciated his great abilities and he is widely acknowledged as one of the best songwriters of the age. His style is especially unique in music and, I find, very powerful. I definitely recommend some diving into the old back catalogue. But here is one of his later classics to enjoy.

The New Theme

I believe that I have said I am one of the many, Bond, anoraks. And I am sooooo looking forward to the release of Bond 22 The quantum of Solace. Yet, to wet the appetitie is the official Theme. Okay. I have to say I was a huge fan of Alicia Keys first album and indeed, I have had the pleasure of seeing her Live in concert. I am also a massive, massive fan of the White Stripes and would say that Jack White, is arguably, the finest rock musician out there at the moment. That said, I don't think this is a great tune. Bond themes have a certain sound, I know this may appear ridiculous but there is that certain element that makes it stand out and gives it an epic quality and this doesnt have it. Which is a shame, because I so wanted to like it.

Lost memories of a glorious song

The year 2000 was famous for many things, the Y2K bug not destroying the world being one. It was also the year I fell in love with the irish accent, when it said my name. When I realised that my life was in a downwards spiral after years of abuse and suffering with, the phrase which I prefer, and nicked from the smashing pumpkins, 'melancholy and infinite sadness'. Depression is a horrible world and I always felt that it didn't mean anything; whereas 'infinite sadness' seemed more apt and a better descriptive, it appealed to my literary florid nature. I also experienced death up close, for the first time. I heard on Valentines day that my Grandfather died. I don't think you ever get used to that kind of news. I remember coming home from work and seeing my mum heartbroken. When she told me, I did not think I could ever feel such pain, having 'arrogantly' believed I could control my emotions to feel all the walls ripped away from your heart is disconcer

I kid you not. The Japanese are the madest race in the World!

There's £10 to the first person to explain, why? and how do you discover this talent? hands up who, like me, thought he was just going to throw the ball from the trampoline? which in itself would have been pretty impressive!

Death of a musical hero. And thank you for the music that changed me from a boy to a man.

There are days you never expect and today was one of them. The death of a real artist always upsets me, as it's a piece of colour taken from the world. But, when someone dies who in their own way inputted into the development of your life as a teenager, whose musical band changed the way you viewed the world, it really can shake you. Yesterday, one of the founder members of, arguably, by me, the greatest bands in the world, Pink Floyd, Rick Wright died of a short lived battle against an unnamed form of cancer. Pink Floyd almost blew up my world as a fifteen year old when, late on evening I was up just watching some crazy television, when I came across a film which intrigued me because it documented the life of a pop musician, whose father died in the war and then descended into madness. The film was called the Wall, a film by Pink Floyd of the eponymous album and I was hooked as it was a masterpiece of sound and the story was so thoughtful. It was this film that caused me to searc

Shatner does Pulp

Drugs...just say no! Pt 2

You had spock and then along came Captain Kirk, aka william shatner, who bizarrely like the last post reduced a great song to utter sixties nonsense. Strangely shatner has had a relatively strong recording career and he did a great version of Pulps Common People, which I am looking for now! But here is his tribute to the mighty beatles! and Elton Johns classic Rocket man.

Drugs...just say No! pt1

I remember thinking when I first saw this, many years ago. That the 60's and the drug culture did have a downside. The lord of the rings is arguably, one of the best books written, sadly this is not one of the greatest songs written, perhaps the most bizarre. Only on class A drugs could a human mind imagine that Captain Spock singing about bilbo baggins could be a good idea.

fancy a little cake-y to go with that cup of tea?

There was much rejoicing after Tony Theakers genetically modified cake experiment proved highly successful. Now for the life size jelly baby!!!!! Yes please I'll have one of those Mr Kipling French fancies, but I'd like the Fat bloke special, please!

why I have always been middle aged from the age of 13

I am often accused of being miserable, old, grumpy and having been born middle aged. This doesn't worry me as I probably am all four, really. But to prove that I have alwys been a serious minded fellow I am pasting in two you tube videos that are of the first two Vinyl records I ever bought, music I ever bought, with my own pocket money. I have wikipedia'd the release dates of the songs, it was 1989, when I was 13 years old and my wife would have been 18! (which is so wrong) but now it works okay. I am not sure how many 13 year olds would go out and buy these but I leave it to you to think it shows a normal 13 year old, or a child who was born middle aged! Record 1 Follow the link here Record 2

The Greatest Cartoon, this world has or ever will see!

When I was a young boy and the world seemed vast and my imagination was perhaps wider than it is now. I absolutely adored this long, long running cartoon. It did seem to go on for years but that's another story. I remember having to wake up at 5.30 or 6am every weekday just to watch this, I was an addict and no doubt you can see why. It is ironic that I became a classicist and it perhaps was in no small part to this cartoon. It is an adaptation of the Homeric Odyssey (Ulysses being the latin translated of Odysseus, one of the heroes of the trojan war), in outer space who offends the Gods and must search for his him, like the Ancient Greek story. The idea of putting Ulysses in space apealed to my absolute love of all things space and tied on to my love of all things ancient I guess I had no chance, but to love this cartoon as I grew up and in fact it probably did guide my thoughts towards wanting to understand the 'real' story and then the 'geek' was truly born.

Distant memories

When I was young I usually watched these kind of Childrens shows, as they made me the well rounded adult I am now.

I have managed to post while crying through laughter!

I think I have the humour of a 2 year, but these are hilarious!