Room for exploration

Ever since we have entered this period of extended lockdown the ability to exercise has also been somewhat reduced too. We now have a daily allowance to provide exercise (Though of course that in the strictest sense is also open for debate, as is the entire government advice). We have therefore kept ourselves to a once a day approach. We are also fortunate in where we live as although we are in a fairly urbanised environment beyond this area there is quite a large expanse of reasonably well connected walks to be had. You can, for instance walk a few minutes from our house and wander into countryside. Of course, if you lived here maybe 60 or 70 years ago you'd not see this as what was there before was coal mines in full production. What we are now walking in is a healed landscape. The scars of this industry such as pit tips and railway lines have removed, ripped up, etc. Nature has reclaimed so many areas of Ashfield. We are able to take advantage of this on our daily exercise.

It has to be admitted as well that for the first month of this interminable lockdown the weather was very faithful to us and the evenings have been a joy to stroll around in.

This is very much the start of our journey; It is just path the gate that leads from the back of the estate into the fields and woods behind. This is the buffer of green that separates one part of Kirkby with another part.

You tend to have two options; head straight on down the path which takes you to the railway, or turn right and that leads over the top of the fields. Right is the more scenic route to be fair. It leads around to the St Wilfrid's church.

We have been both ways quite often now.

There is enough paths to make for a fairly long walk, though with a bit of local knowledge you can plot your way from Kirkby to Annesley and should the desire take you, you could head from there into the back of Newstead and the Dumbles, which leads to Newstead Abbey. The children would not be up to walking that far but they have seemingly enjoyed themselves so far and haven't grumbled too much.

We have also found new pathways. The path we discovered leads from Portland park to Mill Lane in Annesley Woodhouse.

I am not sure that we will find anymore paths that link to and from our estate now as we've probably exhausted them all. We are lucky were we live.


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