Appearances Can Deceive

It happens and probably every one could relate a story of how what you assumed to be the case turns out to be a little more deceptive than originally considered to be. Tonight I had a refresher course in this. Coincidently the last time involved a female singer/songwriter, who this year won a music prize that the girl I went to see tonight was nominate for. If you are a musical fan you could begin to understand the similarities between PJ Harvey & Anna Calvi.

Having now heard them both, there are some similarities, musically, between them. And some quite fundamentally nuanced differences.

Anna Calvi, is not a large girl. She looks tiny and frail. Women shaped like this always remind of tiny little birds you will occasionally see, those which inspire a desire to nurture and care for them.

Anna Calvi is still pretty new to the music business as can be gleaned from her almost zero interaction with the crowd, beyond the polite 'thank you' after each song. She stands dwarfed by the stage, spotlights upon this sleight young woman, who looks as though she's as brittle as crystal. But then, from somewhere deep within her, arguably a sound beyond my comprehension, comes forth and I can only compare it to, if a volcano could sing it would sound this loud. Having dipped into her stuff on line I knew that her raisin detre was a strong, powerful voice, but live it is beyond any sense you can construct via you tube or recordings. It was like   being hit by a sonic boom. I have heard many female voices in my time as someone who has a musical weakness for women singers, musicians and the only voice I have heard (though never live, sadly) that seemed as potentially powerful as Anna Calvi was Maria Callas.

For those familiar with the story of Odysseus and the sirens. Her voice could entice the stars from the sky. Or blow holes in Walls like a sonic explosion. And that range, from an almost timid mouse level of her normal speaking voice, check out an interview on line, transforms itself into to be witnessed to be believed.

Appearances can and  often do deceive. But when it leads to something so joyful through it's revealing then this is not always a bad thing.


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