long Hot Summer Of Getting Back Into It

The last week has seen exceptional weather which can be rare for this time of year, but what has also been a rarer sights back too. A lesser spotted running me. Having now been an unfrequent runner, if put politely, over the last few years, certainly from the middle of 2008 onwards. Although I have done the odd half marathon or so since. What I haven't done is a systematic training plan, it's been get just enough to race and then stop, repeat.
There have been enough valid reasons and unacceptable excuses over the years and enough to make me de-motivated enough to not really be bothered by this either.
One of the valid reasons has been the increase in family members, while not being a burden, they have, in their own new born way, created havoc with our previous routines. We are having no other children so we shall now just watch them grow and go to bed earlier, so the really valid reason is no more, no more excuses either so with no more adequate defences, like Kasparov against Deep Blue (for you chess aficionados out there).

Therefore over the bank holiday I have begun to shake off the torpor and put the running shoes on again, properly. My aim is to get fit again and lose that weight gain and finally, get back racing

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


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