Old wine in new wineskins

For many years now we have been storing firewood in our house. As you can see from the photograph below the poor chair begged for the cleansing power of a state of burning. 

Grim, and unappealing it has sat displaying its ugliness to every room it has been in. The depressing covers and pattern having seen better days at the height of the Suez Crisis. However, my wife has a strange love of the chair and so for a bit of a treat it was decided that maybe fire wasn't the only recourse. Might it not be saved and loved again, as new!

And so, after a few weeks of sweet parting the sad pile of firewood returns to the bosom of its family and boy, has it had a great new face lift! Ta-da

Clearly unrecognisable! The once hidden wings, have been allowed out to fly again!

Therefore the matches and the petrol have been put back!


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