Highway to 3 points

If you find yourself driving up and down the motorways with any frequency you may notice that German engineered cars seem to have, when purchased, a free pass to choose the speed with which they can go over and above the speed limit. When you pay lots for these cars I guess it is a part of the added extras. 

However, as a motorist of a non-German car I do not have one of these speed passes. In the main this is because my car can’t get up to those speeds unless it’s a steep descend! 

On the way home from work I was following a very large BMW estate, we were quite contently near 70mph as per normal when another German engineered car beginning with the first letter of the alphabet, flew past. Same old, same old thought I.

Today though it was different as once the car had passed me, and the BMW there occurred an incredible transformation. Almost immediately after passing me and the BMW, the BMW suddenly developed lots of flashing blue lights. 

Now I’m not sure how many seconds it took for the Audi driver to Realise that what he had done at great speed was overtake an unmarked  police car. It must have been quick as he got pulled over to the hard-shoulder within a minute. 

The moral of this story is: beware of who you overtake. 

For the rest of the Motorway I was laughing like a drain. Maybe there is a highway justice out there after all. 


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