The VERY stupid car story

My wife owns a very stupid car. Here is the story and I am sure once you have read the story you will agree too!

On Sunday the main car I use, we shall call it, 'The Amazing Car' had a little issue in that it started to make an unpleasant noise. Fortunately I was able to use my wife's car, as she was not at work this day. This allowed me to get the car to the garage to see if we could get it fixed.

Nobody told me it was a stupid car.

I have driven this car before. It is a tiny Toyota Yaris. It is something that I don't fit into so comfortably, but it can be done. So, it was done and I set off for work on Monday, knowing how to turn on the lights, and the windscreen wipers! what else do I need to know. The pedals were all in the familiar place, too!

While travelling down the motorway I wondered to myself looking at the dashboard that the trip metre was set at 1000 miles, so I wondered to myself 'How many miles has the Yaris done?' This was quite an easy thought as I was currently sat doing 5 miles an hour (There had been a breakdown and I was in the middle of an hour delay! another, depressing story).

I had clearly seen my wife press one of the buttons on the dashboard which changes the trip to a mileage amount. So, I pressed it and behold the mileage increased to 80,000 miles. And on I went through the hour delay due to a broken down lorry in the motorway roadworks (marvellous).

Once we'd got past the breakdown we began to speed up to the maximum allowed. It is a 50mph zone at the moment, so I sped up to 50. I tend to hold around this speed for a while as lorries and cars drive past me. It is often a frequent surprise to me how many cars and lorries seem to ignore the average speed limit. As an average speed limit we had been held up for quite a while so although I was telling them off for ignoring the 50, but hey ho for the last 5 or so miles we'd been doing about 5mph!

There was a lot of average we had spare!

At the end of the roadworks we moved into the 70mph zone. Normal motorway speed! After about two miles I checked the dashboard and noticed that I was doing 84! I soon began to slow down to 70, I carried on south.

Still the cars and lorries flew past me again and I suddenly had a strange thought. I didn't feel I was going very fast for some reason. I checked again, but as an electronic display it said 70. However what I now noticed was it said 70KPH!!!!!

I pressed the dashboard button again, and lo! it converted it back to MPH!!!

The stupid car has the function of changing your speed from MPH to KPH! (AND NO ONE TOLD ME! - SUCH A STUPID CAR!)

I then discovered that instead of travelling at 70mph, I was really driving at 70kph, so in truth I was barrelling down the motorway at 43MPH!!! (no wonder people were flying past me. They must have thought I was on a Sunday drive!).

and yes, by holding at 50 (what turns out to be 31mph) no wonder I was passed so often!

I am glad that the amazing car has been fixed!


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