Captain Chaos goes on an adventure!

Tonight will be the second night without our youngest child in the house. I know this in two ways. The first way was that he was dropped off somewhere in deepest, darkest Nottinghamshire on Friday night. The second way is that the eldest child has since cannibalised his bed. His pillows are now part of the den in her bed, with pillows now surrounding her. His blanket has been draped over the rails of the top bunk to form a curtain. And his teddies? Oh, well, on Friday night she removed those into her bed as she didn't think they should be lonely. The only thing left on his bed is his bed sheet!

While he is out in the woods, hunting beasts and fording rivers with kindling and rope, she plunders his home base without remorse.

At least she is honest;

Do you miss him?

Thinks...'Not very much.' She replies.

In all fairness seeing the photos of him on camp this feeling my well be reciprocated.


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