
Showing posts from February, 2017

My Dream Job

Sometimes, social media can be informative. It can inform seriously or it can inform you of the oddities out there in the world that you would not normally come across unless it is pointed out to you. Here is one. I am not, personally, looking to move to Durham to find work. Although I am told that Durham is a very nice place to exist. Though where I live is a fairly low benchmark. However, I feel I do have some transferable skills to secure a potential job in Durham Council. I income seems okay and I have read the job description. What is selling me the idea of applying for the role is that within the Council, as in all councils, there will be name badges. Now name badges tend to, obviously, have your name. It then tends to have your job title. That is where, quite frankly, this job is incredibly appealing. If only to walk around the building wearing this emblazoned on your Shirt. The very idea of being a 'Cold-blooded and spineless officer' really seems an oppo

Ravenshead. Of all the places in the world you come to Ravenshead

Beverley Craven was, arguably, a one hit wonder. That one hit came in 1991. I know it well. Beverley Craven's 'Promise me', was the second vinyl single I bought in my life. The first, I have probably blogged about was Billy Joel's 'We didn't start the fire'. Both bought from Woolworth's in Brixham. In fact they were the only vinyl singles I bought as cassette singles then took over and I moved over to them for both singles and Albums. This is the age when you used to record the top 40 on a blank tape when there was a song you wanted to have. I dread to think what would have been on those tapes! I can vaguely remember, Right Said Fred's 'deeply dippy' and Reeves & Mortimer 'Dizzy'. (I was young. I didn't know any better!) Though in all fairness I will always defend Right Said Fred as a great pop band! However, they were as far removed from Beverley Craven as night is from day. She was seemingly elegant and piano based, and


The thing about working far from home is that you are essentially working 12/13hr day every day without fail. It becomes very tiring after a while. This is where holidays are looked forward to as a time of rest and most certainly recovery as well. It is also why I get so very depressed when before the holiday starts I begin to fall ill. It reduces the holiday to a waste of free time and all the plans you had are, ultimately, broken down into dust. It's taken just under a week to kick off this infection I had that took full effect on Friday before I left work, though thinking about it I had managed to keep it at bay for a few days prior just because I was busy and sometimes it works like that. You can be too busy to get ill, but once you stop...well, bang. Nails you to the ground. The weekend was essentially a wash out and gradually I have improved over the remainder of the week. Still can't quite shift the cough though. I know what will happen; By the time I return to work