Who knew? It's true. I never thought it could be, but it is. There can be TOO MUCH news!

My head is spinning. From the crushing disappointment of the European referendum vote, where you suddenly realise that the country you live in is full of 52% of people who were either, too gullible in believing the made up fantasies of Farage & Johnson. Who, to their credit, I suppose didn't promise 'the Moon on a Stick' (they only thing they didn't offer though), or essentially racists, who's views have been mainstreamed by the likes of Nigel Farage, who in his blokeish appeal means we can now openly propose a dislike of breathing the same air as the polish, Lithuanians or any other person whose skin is not white, or they were born abroad. Or the classic red herring of the EU being 'Undemocratic!', don't even start me on that particular chestnut unless you actually, and I mean actually understand the electoral method of our parliamentary democracy & our head of state and various other institutions one could mention that make the EU look like the Athenian Demos created by Kleisthenes.

From this, we went to a total collapse in The Governments ability to Govern. In the space of two weeks we have a new, unelected head of Government, chosen by 179 MP's out of a population of 70million, and appointed by an unelected head of state (You see the hypocrisy if you voted Out because the EU is undemocratic? - nope? Just me?) of course it is about mandate for the new PM. Because, we all know, technically, when you vote in a general election you are never, ever, voting for who becomes Prime Minister, don't we?

We have an opposition leader, who his colleagues voted no confidence, is still in position and seemingly about to rip to pieces the 130 or so year old Labour party. Vicious and offensive hate between the left and blairites. You see the irony, the only mainstream centre/socialist party destroyed by a socialist? 

We've had the Chilcott report. A report which took longer to hold and report on than the length of the actual war it was held to report on. 7 years to release it. One of the greatest foreign policy errors. And within days it had been submerged in the ongoing chaos of Brexit and Terrorism.

We have more terror attacks in France. And now, in Turkey, a military coup. If I was asked to pick an area of the world where we needed to destabilise a (relatively) stable country (that has american nuclear war heads within its borders) I'd probably choose the middle east as the very last resort.

Two weeks of fresh disaster, upon disaster. Too much news. We are drowning under it. It is coming in wave upon wave. If people are becoming desensitised to news then 2016 could well be seen as quite a highlight. The volume of news is too huge to process. That volume has then been changing almost every day. It is becoming to much to process. Though, sadly, the worst aspect is that we are no left in a place where the future is more uncertain than it has arguably been since Churchill took over from Chamberlain...

Summed up by the parliamentary question to the head of brexit unit when asked how many trade negotiators the UK has to begin discussions with the EU if article 50 is triggered? The answer. 0. None. The greatest irony of the brexiteeer's lies. The EU as a single market negotiates as a single economic block, hence we have 0 trade negotiators. The irony is what you ask? We have to hire specific skilled migrants to negotiate for us with the EU! 

You couldn't literally make it up, but then you realise what the Vote Out campaign made up and you think, yep, yes they could.

Too much news.


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