July 2013 to January 2014

So, my wife went out last night and I had some free time to burn. I burned them with my books, those that I have read from July 2013 to January 2014. The total amount was 32. Which seems a good number for 6 months. Equating too around 60 or so a year, this will always vary depending on the thickness and complexity of the book being read!

The results were not particularly surprising. I have been hammering, the Poirot novels of Agatha Christie and this has been borne out by the fact that 31% of my reading time was spent reading Crime; the only other crime book that I read that wasn't Agatha Christie was by, Ian Rankin, the creater of 'Inspector Rebus' character.

This bought crime up to the level of history books, my usual number 1. These tend to be thicker and heavier reads, so theoretically the 10 history books I've read, although the same in number with Poirot mysteries, are probably the equivalent of 30 poirot novels in all honesty. A good example of how statistics can be used or misused depending on how you wish to use them. 

The remainder was the usual suspects; Fantasy and Science fiction and lastly but by no means lastly, Philosophy, of which I have read 3 and in all cases the philosophy was that of the school of, Stoicism, mainly Epictetus.

So, let us break down the history to epochs, shall we?

As we can see, there is no dominant period. Obviously, this does not account for any of the very many, PDF articles on Roman and Greek cultures I have read this year. I do have not added them to my reading list. As can be drawn from the above, I do like to keep a general overview and an interest in most historical epochs. In my time I have covered quite a range of periods and countries in study, especially in A level where we really followed 19th Century Russia, Prussia/Germany, France and Italy.

My probable aim this next few months is move more into the Persian/Assyrian/Mede history, essentially geographically modern Iran (and surrounding countries ending in -stan's)


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