The Price of Education has sank lower...

...Especially Adult education. A fair few years ago I began to learn italian at the local adult education centre, on a Monday night. I had always wanted to learn the language of a country, whose ancient history had been a rather important part of my life. Secondly, and perhaps more subconsciously I wanted to meet some new people as I had moved to the area a few years prior to this and had, had enough of my own company in the evening and needed to get out some. It worked on both counts, I loved learning Italian and after about 8yrs met a quite lovely girl too, and we became paramours for a while as we shared so many cultural references. I don't know where she is now, or what she is up to but I think she will always be the most intelligent woman I have ever met, her intellect was ferocious. She was learning Persian; I was doing a classics MA and we were certainly intellectually competitive.

But as I say, we also found ourselves in Sutton, on a Monday night learning Italian to begin with. I had already done about 2 years, from beginners up to pre-GCSE. In fact, when I was looking forward to starting the GCSE course, in I think, late 2006, early 2007. I turned up to find out that it had been cancelled due to a lack of interest and the course was now, immediately stopped. I was a little aggrieved as I was looking forward to it. However, when I looked at the next brochure that came out and realised that although there appeared to be no enthusiasm to learn Italian, there was a whole raft of courses that people were 'Gullib..Enthusiastic about enough to pay for'. I held them in the same disdain I did when at the age of 14 I was told that one of my 9 GCSE's had to be in 'Expressive Arts'! (my wife may know what happens next; I have form, so they say) in that the following year I ended up taking only 8 GCSE's as I told the school that I had no intention of wasting a full year of my life doing what was as far as I could see the stupidest, most pointless course I have ever had the misfortune to ever come across. I loathed it as completely pointless, sadly, also taught by an idiot. For the following year I volunteered to do extra maths tuition instead. Even now, I will fondly, if asked describe in many ways, just how much I detested Expressive Arts.

So, here in 2012, I collect the brochure from the local supermarket, not with the intention of starting anything, but with the thought of just browsing and well, you never know..

Imagine my ever increasing dismay that the college now seems to focusing more away from 'mainstream' subjects such as languages, maths, etc. From 2012 the only languages you can study to a lower intermediate level are; French German, Spanish. Italian is only taught as a beginners course. At which point you either stop or I guess go somewhere else. Pointless.

But, not quite as pointless as some of the more, 'modern', subjects. Here's a few to tickle your intellectual tastebuds. The college actually add this disclaimer

Personal Development
Courses offered under this remit do not reflect the views held by the College. These are courses which allow your awareness to be raised in a subject you may wish to explore further. Where necessary, your tutor will provide a resource list during Week One of your course.

No 1 - 
2012 and beyond the new world

2012 marks the end of a 26,000 year astrological period as recognised by the Mayans, Incas, Aztecs, Maoris and most of the ancient cultures. December
2012 is reported to be the final end of the Experiment of Atlantis. In this course you will learn about the prophecies for 2012 and beyond! We will explore many topics including the Cosmic Knowledge of Thoth, Atlantis, Crystal Skulls, Cosmic Portals, the 12 Rays, the 12 Spiritual Chakras and Ascension. The course will be of interest to anyone on their own path of spiritual development or those curious about this special time in Earth’s history. Individually and collectively there has never been such an opportunity
for spiritual growth. 

As a classicist, I am aware of the Atlantean myth, from Plato. This tutor has some pretty unique knowledge as I am still not quite sure this 'myth' has been proved yet.

No 2 -

Angel Card Reading

This course will cover the basics of Angel Card reading. You will work with different angel oracle cards to understand their meanings and learn how to
interpret what they tell you. In addition, you will be connecting with your angels and asking them to work with you throughout this course.

Now, This does answer the one fundamental reason why I thought I was missing out on my studies. I hadn't connected to my angel. How remiss of me, for all those years, my angel sat there and I imagine the conversation it had with itself went something like this;

Angel 1 - 'He never writes, he never calls, he never asks me to participate in a course based assignment for which I would have first hand knowledge of'

The reason this hasn't happened is mainly due to the thought of me handing over an assignment and referencing my Angel in the bibliography as a source. Makes me look a bit special. Had I known about this course, then. Then I would have been okay to have handed in all my assignments referenced 'Bob, 2012. My Angel guide telling me that if i can communicate with and angel then  I don't need this course.

No 3
Angelic Spiritual Awareness

People often seek angelic communication for guidance, protection, inspiration, for spiritual healing or emotional wellbeing. So whatever your reason, this course is for people starting out on a spiritual journey, learning about spiritual tools and techniques which can enhance your life. You will learn about angels, how to meditate, work with crystals, create and use angel cards, and learn how to make contact with your angels, all of which can promote your well-being and assist in your spiritual growth.

 I can't even think of anything to say about this. Apart from 'flabbergasted' that an accredited college would provide this. I return here to their disclaimer.  And after all that the word used is 'Can', not 'Will'. I would also suggest that there is a missing prefix here. In front of the word 'People' in the first line of the paragraph. I leave it to you to add this. Perhaps after you have spoken with your angel guide. Mine, probably called Derek.

No 4

Auras – Colours and Their Meanings

This course will explore Auras, how to see them, feel them, experience them and how to work with them. You will develop an understanding and awareness of different aura colour meanings and interpretations as well as working with auras on a physical, mental and emotional level. Come along and meet like-minded people. No prior knowledge is required.

No 5
Mysteries and Conspiracy Theories

In this fascinating new course you will have the opportunity to explore some of the world’s most famous mysteries and conspiracy theories including:
Did Atlantis actually exist? Who built the Pyramids and the Sphinx? What causes the disappearances in the Bermuda Triangle?  Are crop circles a hoax or a message?  Is the US Government hiding the truth about Area 51 and Roswell? Who really killed JFK and Robert Kennedy? Did man actually walk on the moon?  

Okay, when did conspiracy theories become a course offered by colleges, outside of America? What I do enjoy is how the description can actually be answered without the need to do the course. Here goes. And bear in mind I haven't been academically trained in this area. No. Egyptians. They don't. Yes, no. No. Assassins. Um...Yes. 
Ta-da. Course complete. 

So. As this appears to be the academic standard. I have decided that I can suggest some more courses for the year.

No 1 

Do you love to talk continually about absolutely nothing? Adore the trivial and wish to share it to like minded individuals. Do you believe that TV soaps should be 'real?' Do you know people whose life's justify a judgemental comment and/or a sly remark. Bring these to the group and we'll triple the words. 

No 2
Moon Howling

Interested in Astrology and yogic flying, but not at the same time. Well join us as we howl at the moon. The moon is seen in lots of wacky spiritual, new age guff as the dominant 'being' in the universe and it is proven that by howling at the moon you can become more beautiful, attractive and successful than if you worked hard, exercised and followed a healthy lifestyle.


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