
Showing posts from January, 2010

never ever play with your food!

Or so I was told by my mother. It would appear my wife has not had this training as this is what my lunch appeared as; Proving my wife, as lovely as she is, had too much time on her hands at lunch, but it also triggered in my mind what would it be like to have a pork pie for a head?

one more...10 worst book covers

All the others were frankly very bad or from a visual carry on film, whereas this beauty is very funny, because no one spotted it, at all, ever, until it had been published and sold and at that point maybe somebody, somewhere thought.....Perhaps this could have been re-phrased?

Oh those funny schoolkids!

While mooching the inter web I found one of those, many, list websites such as 15 greatest tyrants, 10 of Hitler favourite meals, etc. These two came from funniest exam answers and did amuse me. The first is obviously an old paper and looking at the answer belongs in the school that Bernard manning and Jim Davidson went too. Now, the second I like much more, and bizarrely took a while for me to work out that it wasn't in my handwriting as this, you may be surprised to know, would have been how I would have answered the question as I could be a tiny little bit obstructive if my interest hadn't been piqued in school by inspiring teachers or interesting subjects, Maths was never one of them. This, therefore could also prove to be a genetic trait which my daughter my or may not learn, hope not! But you never really know.

The decade lists

As with all things the ending of any decade generates best of lists, and may favourite as always tends to be the music ones, mainly because I am a music snob, which I continually work upon, but it has to be said I have the best music collection I know of! But, the best album of the last decade? What would be yours? I must admit that the one I saw voted at Number 1 was a pretty good shout and one that I have enjoyed immensely since it was released in 2002/3. I liked it because it was so original and sounded just so different to what was around at that time. It was the White Stripes, and the album was Elephant. Best of the last decade. So in honour of Jack and Meg, here is my favourite track off the album. Probably needs no real explanation but it seemed almost autobiographical at the time and what I like about it is the message wrapped up in a really jolly little tune Enjoy, and lets see what the music from 2010-2019 will bring.

and the worst christmas present, I have ever seen.


best christmas present part 1

It has to be these little charmers, my Star Trek Cuff Links, courtesy of my lovely wife.

The reason I love Jack Daniels

is that it brings out my more creative side and makes me appreciate great, great musicians. As last night I had a couple of sips and realised that there has been a kate bush song running around my head, not up a hill, over the last few days and for the life of me I couldn't remember what it was called, I just know I had to track it down and play it. It took a while of google searching, with some quite obscure guesswork on my part but I found it and here it is. I really adore this song, it's what Kate Bush is all about.

Tis the season to be jolly.

For some, this sentiment may be a week too late, but I am not talking Christmas here, I am talking the sporting season and for me, Late Christmas/early january is about one sport and one sport only. The stunning world of Professional Darts! I confess, I probably am a fairly middle class bloke from fairly working class roots, which is why I enjoy the Poetry of Juvenal, the histories of Thucydides, the works of ayn Rand, but what I also enjoy is a good old fashioned darts match at the Lakeside in January! I have been a huge fan of darts for many years now, and my wife sometimes finds it hard to believe that I actually belonged to a darts team a decade ago in a midweek darts league, playing for the orchid house hotel in Devon. I have run marathons and played in football cup finals, but these were never as enjoyable as a night out at the pub or away, throwing some arrows, with the hotel flights attached having a nice curry for the break, laughing and joking with your mates, while throwing

These shoes were made for walking!

My lovely wife recently went out to the sales armed with her ever burgeoning clothes fund money, and returned with a new pair of what I am guessing at, is summer shoes! I am guessing this because my knowledge of shoes is two fold; 1 - I would like a pair of churches shoes, at some point, 2 - these are shoes for men. ThereforeI know nothing about female shoes, apart from my wife having a fair amount and my friend @rowenarosiepop can blog about shoes, which  means she knows loads. Me, those are my two known facts. So, my wife returns with shoes the like of which I can only imagine on Jazz Musician, so here they are. I actually quite like them, but ssssshhhhhh! my wife may find out! 

May the torch be with you!

And on the 1st day of christmas, my true love gave to me...ooh, a star wars lightsaber LED torch! Hear it is, in it's blue light brilliance. and here stands the jedi lightsaber in all of its glory, but wait, no, it does get better! and this happens when I turn it on, sadly I cannot recreate the sound effect, but it does sound like the film lightsaber! got a better christmas present, you think, I think not.