Dwarf Bread

If you are afficianado's of Mr Terry Pratchett and his discworld series, you will be aware that dwarfs are renowned for two things; songs about Gold, which tend to go 'Gold, Gold, Gold, Gold....' and that they use, as their deadliest weapon, dwarf bread. It is also a food and you can survive for days with dwarf bread, as it makes everything else around it look edible, he says. Well. It appeared that my lovely wife has been discreetly reading my much smaller Pratchett collection, than was. So here is revealed the first human made dwarf bread.

Now, as you can see it is quite focused in its density. I can though assure you it is arguably the heaviest loaf of bread I have ever lifted and is the equivalent of a common house brick, both of which could go through, without much thought, a plate glass window fairly easily.


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