Introduction Number 1

Welcome to my new blog! I suppose I should really introduce myself. I have happily lived in middle age since the age of 15, when I discovered Pink Floyd and realised that the world, can, on occassion be a thought provoking place. My music taste hasn't changed much towards happier music, for that you'll have to talk to my friend Jason Zadrozny, he has that music. I try and run another couple of blogs, but they are pretty one issue focused and I thought why not have a general blog that falls outside the scope of my others and I can literally, review and rant, both of which I excel.

I have no real idea of what is within or outside my limits, so I guarantee it will be eclectic in subject as all good Classicists' minds are. Yes, I am part of that dying breed who studied the course with which the UK ruled the empire through the Foreign Office, 50 years after the empire. You'll no doubt see this bad timing is a golden thread through my life.

So, here we go, towards a more open blog, written by me, for me but viewable by you.


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