How Old?
Easy to say, but I am fairly sure that my daughter was only born, at best, 2 years ago. I can clearly remember driving her out of the local hospital in the back of the new car we'd bought just before because we knew we'd need more space. It had only been 7 months or so since I'd learnt to drive. Everything felt new at that point, but no more than driving her home that day. Like I said this was, at most 2 years ago. However, it seems that she somehow celebrated her 11th Birthday a few days ago. How this happened I have no idea! Definitely 2 years. I am convinced of it. Who's wrong? How has eleven years passed so fast? I have found children do have some way of accelerating time. She has grown up so much; She's almost as tall as her mother! Amazing really. How you can be given a baby by a nurse and then told it's time to head home and away you go! They don't give you any advice, or in fact, any formalised instruction manual. Nothing. And we haven't ...