The Yellow Submarine

If you were to ask my daughter she would tell you that her favourite Beatles song is Yellow Submarine. It's arguably my least liked Beatles song. It's an appalling Ringo Starr song. You can tell, by the quality of it. 

However. What the song was for is an animated cartoon that the Beatles participated in in the late 1960's. In its day it was seen as quite a ground breaking animation. Things were a little less advance back then. What did come out of it was the eponymous, Yellow Submarine. It's an iconic Beatle
Image; Along with the front cover of the help album; John Lennons psychedelic Rolls-Royce; the front cover of the sgt Pepper album. 

Lego have a section of their company called ideas were people can submit ideas of what they would like to turned into Lego. Some bright spark, a few years ago, suggested turning the Yellow Submarine into a Lego version.

It contains all the band members dressed in their cartoon clothes. 

The man in the shop told us that they had to move it higher up onto the top shelves because it's so collectible people have been stealing them. I bought mine. 

With the help of my daughter we began to build the Yellow Submarine. It was quite completed because Lego idea products have quite a lot purpose built parts. The Yellow Submarine contains 2 new Lego parts!

So here it is in its resplendent glory! 

It does, I have to admit, look absolutely fantastic!


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