It is arguably the coolest nickname of any Englishman; the Kingmaker. And, yes, did he make Kings. Richard Neville, Earl of Warwick helped remove and put back Henry VI on the throne of England. But, far more famously, he put Edward, son of the Duke of York on the throne as Edward IV. It all fell within what we now call the War of the Roses. These finally ended with the death of Richard III, and the coronation of Henry VII as the first of the overrated Tudor Monarchs. However, the Kingmaker did not get to see this. After removing Edward IV and replacing him with Henry VI again, he was killed when Edward retook the throne after the battle of Barnet. His power was based around his wealth and his lands. Central to this was his home, Warwick Castle. I had never been to Warwick Castle until last week. As you can see, it is still in a very impressive state. It has had a fortunate existence. Richard son in law was the Duke of Clarence (Brother to king Edward), once Edward had kil...