All these worlds are yours, except Europa

Continuing the Science Fiction theme, and how at times it can become Science fact. An interesting news story came in about the plans for Europa. One of Jupiter's moon's. This moon is quite exciting for Science fiction fans because as we all know it took a centre stage in Arthur C Clark's, Space Odyssey series of novels. For when Jupiter is devoured by the black Monoliths and transformed in the new star Lucifer, this is then for the benefit of Europa. 

Arthur C Clark picked Europa for good reason. It is the very reason that scientists are now looking towards this moon with an increasing interest. The interest is in its geology, especially its surface and what may be underneath. Covered by a sheet of thick ice scientist are under the impression that beneath this exists a very deep ocean. Oceans being a great generator of potential life, simple organisms perhaps. This theory, near on follows from the thoughts of Arthur C Clark, when a space craft crash lands on Europa, having been warned by Dave Bowman, through the Hall 9000 that 'All these worlds are yours, except Europa. Attempt no landing here.' 

Obviously, the NASA scientists believe that the core of Europa is a core of metal. Here, Arthur C Clark differs and by quite a lot. What he believes to make the core of Europa is something far more beautiful. But for that you need to read the books.


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